Special Services » Resources


Procedures for Determination of a Specific Learning Disability
To view the Procedures,
please click here.
Parent Resources and Procedural Safeguards
PASE is the Parent Advisory to Special Education group which provides advisory input to support special education services with our county.  For more information, please call the Thornapple Kellogg Special Education Office at 269-795-5571.
Early Childhood Special Education
Thornapple Kellogg Schools provides classroom programming and services for children ages 3-5 who have been evaluated by our early childhood special ed team and found eligible for these programs and services.  If you have concerns about developmental delays for your child, and he/she is between the ages of 3-5, please contact the Special Education office at 269-795-5571.
If you have concerns about developmental delays for your child who is age birth to 36 months, please contact the Thornapple Kellogg Special Education office at 269-795-5571 as we can assist with referrals to Early On.


The purpose of Section 504 is to ensure that students with disabilities are not denied access to educational facilities, programs, and opportunities on the basis of their disability.

For a student to have a disability which may be protected under the Section 504 law, he or she must:

(1) have a mental or physical impairment, (2) which substantially limits, (3) one or more major life activities. For a student to be considered an "eligible student" under Section 504, all three criteria must be fulfilled.

For assistance with either physical or health-related accommodations, please contact the building principal or counselor for additional information.

For more information about Section 504, contact Sarah Hammer - District 504 Coordinator at 269-795-5571.

Home Learning
Home Learning Website (Resources compiled by the district's special education itinerants to support students and families during at-home learning)