Special Services » Home


Department Address:  3316 Bender Rd, Middleville, MI  49333

Thornapple Kellogg School District, in cooperation with Kent Intermediate School District, provides a continuum of special education programs and services to students from birth to age 26 who are eligible under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act.  Programs include early childhood programming, resource programs, and categorical classrooms.  We also provide services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, hearing consultants, vision consultants, and school social work.
Child find is an obligation for public schools that ensures that all students who need additional support through an IEP or a Section 504 plan be identified, located, and evaluated. Child Find offers evaluations, at no charge, to children suspected of having a disability. Early intervention is very important to your child's development. If you are concerned about your child's development, please call our office at 269-795-5571.
TK Schools is working to support students and families with navigating mental health.  Our mental health team consists of the following people.

Elementary Team

Olivia Scoville-Social Worker-Early Childhood Center and McFall- [email protected]

Alyssa Milzarski- Social Worker- Lee and Page- [email protected]

Rachael Spees- 31N Social Worker- Elementary- [email protected]

Mackenzie Baumgardner- School Counselor and 504 Coordinator at McFall and Lee- [email protected]

Jill Funk- School Counselor and 504 Coordinator at Page- [email protected]

Secondary Team

Sandy Klein- Social Worker and Counselor at the Middle School- [email protected]

Isabella Lindh-School Counselor and 504 Coordinator at the Middle School with last names A-Le-[email protected]

Ashley Eveleth-School Counselor and 504 Coordinator at the Middle School with last names Li-Z- [email protected]

Megan Roon- Social Worker at the High School- [email protected]

Jaime Nelson- School Counselor working with last names A-HAS at the High School- [email protected]

Ross Lambitz- School Counselor working with the last names HAS-PR at the High School- [email protected]

Steve Guikema- School Counselor working with the last names PU-Z at the High School- [email protected]

Additional Resources

For additional support: 

24/7 Crisis Text Line:  text HOME to 741741

National Drug Hotline: 1-800-378-4435

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  1-800-273-8255

Sarah Hammer, Director

Special Education Office Hours:

Hours:  8:00am-4:00pm

Phone:  269-795-5571
Fax:  269-795-5560