Homeless Information
Thornapple Kellogg Student Homeless Program
TK Homeless Liaison Contact: 269-795-5522
Under Federal and State Law, The Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, homeless children and youth have certain rights. Please review the frequently asked questions below if you think you may be considered homeless:
Who is a homeless student?
A child who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The child may live in a shelter, a temporary home, a motel, a car, a campground, or on the street. If you fall under any of these categories, please contact the homeless liaison for assistance at 269-795-5522.
TK Homeless Liaison Contact: 269-795-5522
Under Federal and State Law, The Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, homeless children and youth have certain rights. Please review the frequently asked questions below if you think you may be considered homeless:
Who is a homeless student?
A child who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The child may live in a shelter, a temporary home, a motel, a car, a campground, or on the street. If you fall under any of these categories, please contact the homeless liaison for assistance at 269-795-5522.
Which school can a homeless student attend?
A homeless student can attend the school that serves the address where the student is living temporarily or the school of origin (the school that the student attended prior to becoming homeless). The student can stay in the school for as long as the student is homeless or until the end of the school year, if the student becomes permanently housed. A student only considered homeless for the current school year.
Who decides which school a homeless student will attend?
It is up to the parent, the school, and the homeless liaison to decide what’s in the student’s best interest. The parent should think about which school would be better for the child.
Is transportation provided?
Yes, transportation is provided to the school which is determined to be in the child’s best interest. The homeless liaison will be able to work with the student and family.
Does residency have to be proven?
No, schools must enroll homeless students right away with or without records of residency. Homeless status should always be determined, in advance, with the homeless liaison before registering the student.
Are services available?
Yes, we can help with school records, school materials, school meal programs, and special education services. We can also help with food, clothing, and medical assistance by providing referral information. We may also be able to help with academic supports.
Can school fees be waived?
Yes, if you cannot afford certain fees, we may be able to waive the fees. Please contact the homeless liaison for help.
Is there a right to appeal?
Yes, a parent/student may appeal decision regarding the student’s education. For example, if you disagree with a decision about school enrollment, school transportation, or waiver of fees, you can appeal. You can get an appeal from the homeless liaison.
Dial 211 for assistance in finding other resources