Shelf stable milk process and facts:
TK Food Services provides nutritious and diverse menu choices while striving to provide locally grown items whenever possible. Please click below for our online lunch menus.
The new Meal Magic Family Portal will allow you to check balances, add funds online and fill out the Free and Reduced Price School Meals Application, click the photo below to go to the Family Portal.
Click Here for Medical Statement Forms
Student Pricing
K - 12th Grade: $1.75
MILK: $ .50
K - 12th Grade: $1.75
MILK: $ .50
K - 1st Grade: $2.60
2nd - 5th Grade: $2.60
6th - 12th Grade: $3.00
2nd - 5th Grade: $2.60
6th - 12th Grade: $3.00
Breakfast: $1.75
Reduced Breakfast: $0.30
Lunch: $2.80
Reduced Lunch: $0.40
Adult Pricing
Adult Breakfast: $2.75
Elementary Adult Lunch: $5.15
Secondary Adult Lunch: $5.15
Adult Lunch Feature: $6.00
Milk: $0.75
Please fill out our application for Free and Reduced Price school meals. Click button below.
If your family qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch, they also qualify for Free or Reduced cost Breakfast. Why is it important to eat BREAKFAST? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration in the classroom. Studies show that breakfast can be important in maintaining a healthy body weight. There are 21 million US kids receiving free or reduced-priced school lunch; only half of those kids get breakfast, even though they are eligible. Hungry kids can't learn; try school breakfast!
Don't forget to subscribe to the Food Service blog for fun and important updates!
Contact Us
Food Service Director:
Jessica Endres
(269) 795-5409 [email protected]
High School:
Barb Hodgson
(269) 795-5424
Jessica Endres
(269) 795-5409 [email protected]
High School:
Barb Hodgson
(269) 795-5424
Middle School:
Ann Cross
(269) 795-5479
Page Elementary:
Kristina Sholty
(269) 795-5504
McFall Elementary:
Sheryl Haveman
(269) 795-5563
Early Childhood Center:
Kathy Lawson
(269) 795-4580