Mrs. Jessica Endres » Posts


In case you missed it!!!  Page Elementary students (AND STAFF!) rocked with Jump with Jill on Wednesday January 20th.  We learned about the importance of fueling our bodies with healthy nutritious foods and beverages, and how important it is to get up and be active!  What a fun day!

Page won the Golden Ticket!!!!

Please join us on Wednesday January 20th at 9:20am in Page Gym for the Jump with Jill Live Tour concert.  We are so excited to welcome the tour back after an awesome performance at McFall Elementary in the Fall.  This is such a fun event for our students to learn about living healthy lifestyles and making healthy food choices!  We hope to see you there!
What an amazing district we have!  Our HS food service staff made time during their normal daily routines to prepare a wonderful meal for our veterans. Here are our High School students plating and serving this thank you meal to our local veterans.  
Fruit with Families, 2015 edition!  What a great event for our families, and as always, Mrs Lawson has outdone herself with her culinary expertise!  Way to go Kathy!