TK FFA Members Advance to Regional Contest

Creed Speaking

Freshmen FFA members memorize and recite the FFA creed along with answering three questions.

  • 1st Place: Kady Palmateer
  • 2nd Place: Cecelia Hoeksma


Agricultural Issues

A team of 5-7 members present a 10-12 minute skit discussing the pros and cons of a current agricultural issue of their choice.

  • 1st Place: Kaylee Green, Kaylie Cross, Alexa Hoeksma, Erika Wolowicz, Emerson Pratt, Abbie LaJoye, and Allison Wolowicz
  • 2nd Place: Case Shellenbarger, Caden Strait, Joel Smith, Landon Gorman, and Zach Heinbeck


A team of 2-3 members present a 10-15 minute demonstration on an agricultural topic of their choice.

  • 1st Place: Paige Sheely, Vivian Hansson, and Emily Stevens
  • 2nd Place: Charlotte Dykstra and Mylie Vos

Public Speaking

Members must write, memorize and present a 6-8 minute speech on an agricultural topic of their choice.

  • 2nd place: Emma Reil

Extemporaneous Public Speaking

Members prepare 50 pages of research within an agricultural category. When they arrive for the contest, they receive a prompt and must write a 3-5 minute speech in 30 minutes. They then present their speech and answer questions.

  • 4th place: Maguire Simmons

Job Interview

Students prepare a cover letter, resume, references page, and fill out a job application prior to the contest. They are interviewed by judges at competition.

  • Gold Award: Kaymn Hiemstra and Leanna Graystone
  • Silver Award: Kaedence Bowers

Congratulations to all of the FFA members and all the hard work they’ve put into preparing for these competitions. 


