Friendship Bracelets Remind Students to Be Kind

“We need to share kindness all the time. We need to do it every day,” said fourth-grader Braelynn, whose word included on her bracelet was “loving.” 

Students and staff throughout the district have focused on kindness this month. Elementary students had a special “kindness week” with different activities, lessons and reminders about what it means to be kind and the middle school focused the whole month on kindness.

The Page school counselor and school social worker met with all students and challenged each  to choose one word to define how they wanted to show kindness. During the week, students completed a kindness journal to reflect on the word they chose and how they were living it out. As a final project, students made bracelets as a reminder to themselves of their kindness word. 

Stacy Sikkema’s fourth-grade class shared their thoughts on kindness and how they selected the word for their bracelet. 

“I chose charity because kindness means it’s good to love others and that’s what charity means - kindness to others,” said Oliver.

Ashton’s word was respectful. “Respectful means treating others the way that you would want to be treated. It’s showing respect for others and I think we need people to be a little more respectful to each other,” he said. 

Rose liked the word ‘positive.’ “I think you have to be positive with yourself and with others and if you are, you feel better about being kind.”

Responsible is the word Alivia chose to help remind herself to be responsible for herself, her belongings, and the way she treats others.

Even though they all selected their own words, each student agreed kindness matters and that it doesn’t take much to be kind. “You could hold the door open for people,” said Oliver. Others quickly added other simple ways to show kindness every day - saying something nice to someone, helping someone when they need help, including friends in games on the playground, and having a positive attitude.

“If everybody forgot about kindness the world wouldn’t be as good as it is now,” said Gabby who chose the word caring.


Elijah said being kind helps yourself and others. “When you’re kind to someone else, it makes you feel good inside and better about yourself. It’s like you’re being kind to yourself.”
