TKHS Students Get Hands-On Learning With Day of Service

Students and TKHS teachers and staff spread out in small groups across the TK community - from Freeport to Camp Manitou-Lin, Camp Algonquin, retirement communities, parks, ball fields, trails, and cemeteries. Wherever a community organization requested help, students went to do what they could.

One group of students placed American flags on the gravesites of veterans in preparation of Memorial Day. Others helped give faded fire hydrants in Middleville a bright new coat of red paint. Many raked dead leaves and grass from parks, ball fields and around the schools. They loaded brush, pulled weeds, put down mulch and helped beautify the community.

Students staying at the high school had a variety of options of ways to help others. Some braided dog toys from old t-shirts for the animal shelter. Others sewed sleeping bags for the homeless or made blankets to give to shelters, Students used their artistic abilities to decorate lunch bags for Kids Food Basket and IV tags for DeVos Children’s Hospital. Many painted kindness rocks that will be spread throughout the community for others to find.

Wherever they were, students smiled, laughed and enjoyed working together to help others. smiled, laughed and enjoyed working together to help others. The annual event was followed by a student lunch celebration with a talent show and field day filled with games, elephant ears, a slip and slide, and a time just to be with friends.
