Scholarships and Awards Presented to Class of 2017

Rotary Scholarship

Hannah Kelly, Kiley Hilton, Diane Fryling, Carrie Finholm

Athletic Booster Scholarship

Kaitlyn Burbridge, Hayley Bashore, Spencer Irvine, Matt Lark

Village Players Scholarship

Clara Dart and Aaron Czarnecki

Fritz Lowe Memorial - Band Boosters Scholarship

Aaron Czarnecki

TKEA Scholarship

Hayley Bashore, Breana Bouchard, Rachel Guikema, Madison Hannapel, Hannah Kelly, Taylor Pratt, Alex Wilkinson

TKESP Scholarship

Cullin Thomas

University of Michigan Award

Luke Noah and Alyvia Thorne

Henry J. Dugan Principal’s Award

Madison Hannapel

Ray Page Award

Hayley Bashore

USMC Scholastic Excellence Award

Aaron Czarnecki  and Alex Wilkinson


Thornapple Area Enrichment Foundation Scholarships

The TEAF Scholarships totaled $25,600 to TK seniors.


Cole Agency:  Diane Fryling

Adam Dipp Scholarship: Ryan Numerick

Adele and Arnold Palmer Scholarship: Diane Fryling

Alecia Lorraine Holst Memorial:  Levi Thaler

Beth Helrigel Ester Memorial: Megan Bishop

TK Class of 1957: Kiley Hilton

Dr. Wayne and Marie Finkbeiner: KaLeigh Aldridge

Francisca C. Vrona Memorial: Gabrielle Encinas

Gerald L. Page: Diane Fryling

John and Maxine Robertson Family: Diane Fryling and Kirsten Hey

Jon and Kay Simpson: Ellen Sidebotham

Lois Ann Nagel Seppanen Memorial: David Cove

Lynn Helrigel summers Memorial: Aaron Czarnecki

TAEF Matching - RKW Working Student:  Ellen Sidebotham

McCullough Family TK:  Carrie Finholm

Marshall Seger: Nathaniel Baughman

Milllicent Grace Knox Teacher:  Carrie Finholm

Ray Page Scholar Athletic Memorial: Kiley Hilton

Rodney and Rena Schad Memorial: Carleigh Lenard

Samuel McKeown Memorial: Rachael Ranes, Carleigh Lenard, Ellen Sidebotham, Gabrielle Encinas

Tad Thatcher Memorial: Macie Stevens

Terri Yoder Memorial: Andrea Macomber

Thomas Hamilton Tennis Memorial: Rachael Ranes

Thornapple Kellogg Tradesman Scholarship: Tanner Schultz

Clay Hills Farm Fund: Tanner Schultz

GFWC - Gun Lake Women's Club: Haley Bashore and Madison Hannapel

GFWC- Gun Lake Women's Club Joan Weick Memorial:  Carrie Finholm

William McGee Memorial:  Rachael Ranes



Eagle Scout Recognition

Rylee Cisler, Aaron Czarnecki, Trevor Hodges, Dylan Seelye, Sam VerHey, Soren Wright


Department Awards


Art Award: Clara Dart

Business Award: Kennedi Coffey

Drama Award: David Cove, Aaron Czarnecki, Emily Davidson, Maggie Doherty, Soren Wright

English Award: Hannah Kelly, Alyvia Thorne, Sierra Traub

 Spanish Award: KaLeigh Aldridge, Breana Bouchard, Rachel Guikema, Madison Hannapel, Madeline Hutchins, Hannah Kelly, Elizabeth Kidder, Andrea Macomber, Luke Noah, Danielle Seeber, Alyvia Thorne, Sierra Traub

Math Award:  Rachael Gorton, Luke Noah, Alex Wilkinson

Science Award: Breana Bouchard, Luke Noah, Taylor Pratt

Social Studies Award: Madison Hannapel

Technology Award: Cullin McManus

Digital Media Award: KaLeigh Aldridge, Hayley Bashore, Kaylee Brownell, Brianna Budd, Jason Coles, Carrie Finholm, Whitney Hemmes, Hannah Kelly, Ally Ray, Tyler Rendleman, Alexis Replogle, Scott Shumway


Student Council Awards: Kaitlyn Burbridge, Aaron Czarnecki, Diane Fryling, Rachael Gorton, Maddie Hannapel, Kiley Hilton, Rachael Ranes, Emery Shepherd, Ellen Sidebotham, Sierra Traub, Alex Wilkinson, Alexis Replogle, Sara Adielsson.


National Honors Society Awards: Victoria Aspinall, Allexus Barnes, Hayley Bashore, Brittany Blair, Breana Bouchard, Derek Brandon, Brianna Budd, Kaitlyn Burbridge, Rachel Chapman, Joel Church, Reece Cole, Aaron Czarnecki, Maggie Doherty, Carrie Finholm, William Floyd, Isaac Genther, Rachael Gorton, Elizabeth Grile, McKenzie Grooters, Rachel Guikema, Madison Hannapel, Whitney Hemmes, Kip Herich, Kiley Hilton, Madeline Hutchins,  Spencer Irvine, Hannah Kelly, Alyssa Kennedy, Lauren Kroells, Adam Krol, Matthew Lark, Carleigh Lenard, Andrea Macomber, Gavin Maring, Lynsey Mead, Luke Noah, Kendra Norton, Matthew Pavlik, Andrew Possett, Taylor Pratt, Rachael Ranes, Alexis Replogle, Matthew Rolison, David Saindon, Danielle Seeber, Emery Shepherd, Scott Shumway, Ellen Sidebotham, Katelyn Sparks,

Ryan Swanson, Levi Thaler, Alyvia Thorne, Sierra Traub, Samuel VerHey, Erikson Walter, Alex Wilkinson, Peter Williamson, Madison Workman


Michigan Blood Awards: David Cove, Aaron Czarnecki, Emily Grindle, Madison Hannapel, Whitney Hemmes, Tomas Kaboos, Kiersta Linderman, Andrea Macomber, Mark Siuda, Reyanna Wasson, Madison Workman   


2016-17  Senior Foreign Exchange Students Honored:

Sara Adielsson - Norway
Yuki Amaki - Japan

Clara Classen - Germany
Inge De Jong - Netherlands
Gema Diez Martinez - Spain
Florian Eberle - Switzerland
Lucila Faiman - Argentina
Andreas Kanstrup - Denmark
Derrick Kim - South Korea
Bastian Lunde - Norway
Tommaso Scaglia - Italy
Nicolas Scherrer - Switzerland
Nargiza Zhantoshova - Kyrgyzstan


Honor Students

Highest Honors Seniors-GPA of 3.98 and higher (gold cord):

Allexus Barnes, Hayley Bashore, Brittany Blair, Breana Bouchard, Derek Brandon, Rachel Chapman, Clara Classen, Maggie Doherty, Rachael Gorton, Rachel Guikema, Whitney Hemmes, Madeline Hutchins, Hannah Kelly, Carleigh Lenard, Luke Noah, Gregory Ondersma, Taylor Pratt, Rachael Ranes, Emery Shepherd, Scott Shumway, Ellen Sidebotham, Alyvia Thorne, Sierra Traub, Alex  Wilkinson


High Honors Seniors-GPA of 3.7 to 3.97 (silver cord):

Kaleigh Aldridge, Yuki Amaki, Trevor Beardsley, Brianna Budd, Joel Church, Aaron Czarnecki, Clara Dart, Jayden Deabay, Gabrielle Encinas, Mackenzie Fasold, Carrie Finholm, Isaac Genther, Elizabeth Grile, McKenzie Grooters, Madison Hannapel, Kip Herich, Kirsten Hey, Kiley Hilton, Lauren Kroells, Matthew Lark, Andrea Macomber, Gavin Maring, Cullin McManus, Lynsey Mead, Kelly Morales, Kendra Norton, Alexis Replogle, Matthew Rolison, Tommaso Scaglia, Danielle Seeber, Katelyn Sparks, Macie Stevens, Ryan Swanson, Samuel VerHey, Levi Walker, Erikson Walter, Peter Williamson, Madison Workman.


Honor Seniors-GPA 3.5 to 3.69 (bronze cord):

Victoria Aspinall, Nathaniel Baughman, Kaitlyn Burbridge, Reece Cole, Inge DeJong, William Floyd, Diane Fryling, Stevie Fuhr, Brianna Heikkila, Spencer Irvine, Tomas Kaboos, Alyssa Kennedy, Adam Krol, Andrew Possett, Jordan Postma, David Saindon, Levi Thaler, Abbigail Tolan, Amber Velthouse, Nicholas Wandrie, Soren Wright



Athletic Awards

OK Conference Scholar Athlete  - (4 athletic season competitor, 1 sport senior year, 3.5 GPA)

Allexus Barnes, Breana Bouchard, Derek Brandon, Kaitlyn      Burbridge, Joel Church, Reece Cole, Aaron Czarnecki, Mitch Floyd, Kip Herich,  Maddie Hutchins, Adam Krol, Cullin McManus, Ike Possett, Emery Shepherd, Katie Sparks, Ryan Swanson, Abbi Tolan, Nick Wandrie, Alex Wilkinson


Senior Athlete Award  (Must have 6 or more Varsity Letters)

Ellen Sidebotham, Lauryn Spencer


Senior Athlete and OK Gold Scholar Athlete

Brittany Blair, Rachel Gorton, Lauren Kroells, Carleigh Lenard, Luke Noah, Rachael Ranes, Alyvia Thorne, Erikson Walter


OK Gold Scholar Athlete and Tri-Sport Athlete

Spencer Irvine, Matt Lark, Levi Thaler, Pete Williamson


Senior Athlete and Tri-Sport Athlete

Bethany Buning, Gabe Kruisenga, Matt Vannette


Senior Athlete, OK Gold Scholar Athlete and Tri-Sport Athlete

Hayley Bashore, Kiley Hilton, Taylor Pratt


US Marines Distinguished Athlete Award

Luke Noah and Carleigh Lenard

Michigan High School Athletic Association Scholar Athlete Regional Award

Hayley Bashore and Alex Wilkinson.   Alex was also a Finalist


Athletic Boosters Scholarships

Hayley Bashore, Spencer Irvine, Kaitlyn Burbridge, Matt Lark

OK Gold Conference Athlete Of The Year

Taylor Pratt and Matt Lark












